Romeo Ford of Kingston

Feb 26, 2019

You do it, I do it. Everyone suffers from road rage at one point or another in their driving career and while this is just part of being human, we don’t want it to become a frequent habit of yours. This week we have a few tips to help keep you calm behind the wheel and avoid turning into that angry drive you promise yourself that you’re not. So, check out our tips below and stop in to see our team when you’re ready to upgrade your ride!

Recognize Your Anger

Signs of anger normally creep up on us while behind the wheel and in most cases, they are physical signs like our tone of voice, language, or gestures. When you notice these signs, it’s important to practice staying calm and mentally check yourself. Signs of anger are as followed, angry thoughts, muscle tension, headaches, or increased heart rate. If you notice these signs building up and prevent yourself from becoming angry, you can prevent your own road rage!

Take The Time To Calm Yourself

If you can feel yourself becoming angry, pull over or exit the highway. When it is safe to do so, put your vehicle in park and take some time to allow yourself to relax and collect your thoughts. We recommend taking a few deep breaths to help relax you and bring your mind to the right place to ensure safe driving. Angry driving puts everyone at risk, so give yourself some time to relax and the rage.

Resist Retaliation

Many times we want to retaliate when someone cuts us off or is driving too slow in front of us. Don’t be that guy to retaliate because quite frankly, other drivers are watching! Instead of honking your horn, tailgating, or using profane gestures, try giving the other driver some space and allow them to go about their business. If you retaliate, you can make a bad situation worse. Take a deep breath, keep your distance and be smart. Drivers make mistakes – we are only human after all. Accept that mistakes happen and don’t let the little things get the best of you!

Stay Safe With Aggressors

If you notice that another driver on the road is being aggressive, keep your distance and stay calm. No matter what the other drivers may be doing to provoke you or other drivers, it is important to avoid eye contact and pay attention to the road ahead. Drive defensively, it is better to let someone pass you than to worry about them tailgating you from behind and causing a collision.